I started writing my first poem when I was 5 years old. Thanks to my mom, who got frustrated with my incessant talking and suggested that I engage myself more fruitfully by writing my own poems. Over the years, she also taught me to document all my poems. Poetry is the strongest core of my self and the tool I use for deep reflection. In that, I am glad to have had this gift to engage with one of the most subtle forms of human language. I use poetry to create visual art and dance as well. Often, I look at the universe and in resonance with it find, sublime poetry!
heart heavy mind quiet body still soul light how do I speak of this strange interconnectedness of being where all things are aligned and in rhythm! heart heavy mind quiet body still soul light leaf expanding into sky sky into infinite void void into biodiversity form into earth earth pouring back into me. heart heavy mind quiet body still soul light alone in togetherness. anchored in relationship with the great solitude. |
What does it take?
Some days, I wish, I lived on a planet where life doesn't exist, including me! What does it take to lose hope I wonder? That slow killing pain of many glass pieces or the numbness of their memories Living in apathy or feeling too much What does it take I wonder to just let it all go to leave it be to not want to get back to it tomorrow to wish for a pristine landscape to wish for a planet with no life to just be done with the emptiness of it all and to stop waiting for another day the despair of hopelessness all packaged and done the burden of hope no more! Some days, I wish, neither ideal nor talent would touch my soul and I would remain empty of the need to find my space in the unending desolation of lives around me no more seeking the half empty cup, nor the half full one what does it take, I wonder A thousand small pieces being torn away from the self in the name of work, relationship, money and mindlessness or just one large incident What does it take to reach that point where you don't care anymore where you cross that line, where all that you believe ceases to exist just a few thoughtless actions, an intentional destruction a normalized violence or empty minds around you What does it take to just be done with the life that you know and not seek another one to neither care for the bleakness of such a state of mind not ask for something better! What does it take I wonder to break those souls to break the wings of the birds that fly to destroy the freedom of wilderness and to sell it as packaged eco-friendliness! I, the women my voice, yours. It doesn't matter if you are man, woman, beast or child. In you, I stand in glory, pain, anger, in sorrow I, the women I am not I, the Individual. I am I, the Collective! I am not body, flesh, womb, object I am You. I am not dreams, spirit, goddess, comfort. I am your song my voice, yours. It doesn't matter if you are man, woman, beast or child. In you, I stand in fear, agony, emptiness, in love Sing with me I, the women. It doesn't matter if you are man, woman, beast or child. My voice, yours. I am not gender, statistics, headlines, hope. I am you. It doesn't matter if you are man, woman, beast or child. In you, I stand in equality, faith, compassion, joy. Sing with me I, the women. It doesn't matter if you are man, woman, beast or child. I, the women my voice, yours. I am not I, the Individual. I am I, the Collective! |
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